The Five Cities Times Press Recorder inspecting this OCSD Well # 8 Discharge pipe???????
Oceano Storm Water Drainage channel inlet after Caltrans was caught November 26, 2008 shoveling debris
into this storm water drainage channel after the Five Cities Times Press Recorder reporter above had investigated
this Storm Water Drainage System!!!!!!
If Caltrans owns the first four feet of this drainage channel, why would they shovel
their debris into this storm water drainage channel inlet that they own??????????
When our California Constitutional Rights are taken away from us and our property is taken for a dangerous public use, as Caltrans raising a State Highway and then shoveling and Grading Storm Water Debris into a Storm Water Drainage Channel, it is our duty to make the public aware; especially when their public safety has been endangered! Please View your local Governments actions Caltrans and County using State Hwy 1 for a storm water retention basin. According to the California Constitution, Article I, Section 19. “Private property may be taken or damaged for public use only when just compensation, ascertained by a jury unless waived, has first been paid to, or into court for, the owner.”Please View
Bookout v. State of California et. al Appeals work DocumentsUsing VALERA LYLES et al., v. STATE OF CALIFORNIA et al., --- JAMES ARREOLA et al. v. COUNTY OF MONTEREY et al.,JAMES ARREOLA et al., Plaintiffs and Respondents, v.--- Skoumbas v. City Of Orinda1 CERTIFIED FOR PUBLICATION IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF ..., Cal.App.4th IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA KENNETH bunchet al., )
"Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior to Plaintiff's purchase of his property. Plaintiff contends the flooding is continuous and can be abated. Plaintiff argues Defendants negligent maintenance of the drainage system increases the frequency and severity of the flooding. That is inconsistent with Judge Tangeman's determination that the primary culprit was POVE's improvements, rather than negligent maintenance of the drainage system. There was no showing that Union's operation of Well No. 8 contributed to the blockage. There was no showing of the County's responsibility for maintaining the drainage channel. There was no evidence that any accumulated debris in State's right of way contributed to the problems in the operation of the drainage system. County, State, Union or OCSD could not have abated the nuisance by undertaking any maintenance"
This photo presented to Judge Tangeman is a Caltrans Supervisor shoveling debris into the Oceano Community's storm Water drainage channel.
Caltrans Supervision Shoveling Storm Water Debris into this Storm Water
Drainage system??????
This drainage problem will never stabilize until Caltrans, County of San Luis Obispo, Oceano Community Service District and Union Pacific Railroad are held accountable for their drainage changes since Exhibit # 1756 dated April 21, 1983 and then Caltrans raising State Highway 1 in December 2000 knowing of exhibit # 1773 that could have abated a prior problem for only $36,000.00 after the Oceano Community Service Districts Contribution of $5,000.00!!!!!!!!
From: Bill Bookout []
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 8:58 AM
To: ''
Cc: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'April Charlton'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''
Subject: All California Residents safety on Their State Highways!
January 22, 2010
Dear Senator Abel Maldonado and State Assembly Member Sam Blakeslee
Today, State Highway 1 in Oceano at 7 am is flooded again and closed for the sixth day in a row. Caltrans Documents that have been previously provided to both of you and local news, media show that this flooding problem could be abated for $43,295.00!!! Caltrans documents show their concern for flooding the west side of Oceano if they fix what was a different flooding problem in 1985 as they had signed contracts with OCSD and taken $5,000.00 from Oceano residents to fix what was a different drainage problem at this time. Notice the photos below of Caltrans shoveling storm debris off of our
I ask that both of you “Senator Abel Maldonado and State Assembly Member Sam Blakeslee”, obtain the $43,295.00 dollars immediately for Caltrans to correct the flooding and closing of our State Highway in Oceano, that we are seeing today since Caltrans began shoveling debris into this Storm Water Drainage channel as seen in video’s at and Caltrans actions, talked about by the RWQCB in E-Mails with Caltrans!
Attached above is public knowledge as seen in the
I am now making both of you aware of Caltrans Statements at Trial as seen as and the documents and whiteness’s from Exhibit # 579 that had been withheld from discovery by the
Caltrans Stated at Trial regarding their drainage Maintenance Actions as seen Above.
“I’m not sure what they’re doing in this picture. It appears that they’re throwing dirt up on the bank at the base of the tree.” Question: “Is this anything related to the buildup of sediment at the mouth of the drainage channel?” Answer. “Well it’s more grass. Well, Yeah, sediment and grass.” Question: And where’s this material removed to when you engaged in this particular activity? Answer. “Based on the Mud behind me at the base of the tree, I would say we where throwing it up on the bank.” Question: So you were keeping it in the four feet that you consider to be Caltrans right-of-way? Answer. “YES” Question: And how often have you engaged – You or your staff engaged in the particular activity? Answer. “How often does it rain down there?” Question: Is it fairly often – Answer: “YES” Question: Based on the rainfall. Answer. “YES, just about every time it rains.”
These are the Documents letters of whiteness, that where withheld from Discovery by The County Of San Luis Obispo and finally given to us in full on December 2, 2008 five months after our first trial with many depositions and whiteness testimony now being worthless. This is a Large Prejudicial Error made by this Trial Court that should now become California Case Law
This is how Union Pacific Railroad admitted part of exhibit # 579 and how Judge Tangeman allowed evidence to be withheld from discovery as seen in their statements at trial! “And for the purpose of the exhibits we don’t need the photographs.” Judge Tangeman-- The Court States: “All Right”
Property owner Larry Baughman an Ex- OCSD Director--1845 Casitas County Summery Statement #158 as stated by the County of San Luis Obispo "(Channel Between Railroad Street and Fountain Avenue Overgrown) in Published Drainage Study!
This is the true statement of Larry Baughman that had been withheld from Discovery by the
"Water At The Corner Of 13th/Paso Robles/And Highway 1 Runs (Drains) Under The Railroad Tracks Across
Bill Tatum 1539 Fountain Ave. ---2001 flooding of
Larry A Baughman--Owner of
Chuck Bachman--1519 and
Marquis Miller 548 Honolulu "Heavy Rains overflow lagoon"
Less Brown--
Jesser Esser--608 Air park Dr. "Storm Water Drainage Ditch next to
John W. Carter 1778 Aloha Place
Mary Fernald 590 Honolulu St. Problems in last five years
David and Penny Villalba 567-571
Raoul Cristin
Jan Dilo, Department of
R. George Rosenberg, Deputy Director of General Services County Of San Luis Obispo
Cynthia M. Joselson/Dennis A.Huebner---Photos
Franklin C. Owen --Flooding in the
In County of San Luis Obispo Files with drainage Studies and Color photos
September 7, 1990
October 1, 1990
October 17, 1990 Letter from John L. Wallace to OCSD Drainage in Oceano,
January 15, 1991
March 15, 1991
May 3, 1991 OCSD letter to SLO County Analysis of OCSD Storm Drainage Problem regarding future County Building Permits
September 23, 1991 letter to Ruth Bracket Sidewalks
September 25, 1991 letter from Ruth Brackett not talking about Paso Robles and 13th streets
November 18, 1991Oceano Halcyon Advisory Committee minutes Drainage in Oceano not Paso Robles and 13th streets ally ways sidewalks
February 10, 1992 Draft letter Sidewalks
February 12, 1992 OCSD Meeting minutes Regarding Cienaga flooding County Responsibility Drainage Director Baughman.
March 11, 1992 OCSD letter regarding Flooding of Oceano Slough below State highway 1
February 10, 1993 OCSD Minutes 11 C. Video of flooding problem on highway 1
June 8, 1993 OCSD memorandum Meeting on Arroyo Grande outfall
February 23, 1994 OCSD meeting minutes Concerns West of State highway 1
February 25, 1994 San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District letter to Tony Boyd County Engineering Dept.
July 26, 1995 OCSD Meeting minutes Cienaga flooding problem Concern with railroad subdividing their property. A problem at Paso
January 10, 1997 OCSD Letter to planning Commission County of San Luis Obispo
October 8, 1997 OCSD meeting Minutes Drainage Problems Bill Bookout Specifically on Airpark and
May 13, 1998 OCSD meeting Minutes "Front and Cienaga Drainage problem
October 14, 1999 San Luis Obispo County letter and documents of concern to Union Pacific Railroad regarding Cienaga Drainage not Paso Robles St.
January 25, 1999 letter from OCSD to Khatchik h. Achadjian-issues-Flooding and Drainage channel behind
January 29, 1999
February 5, 1999 OCSD letter to County regarding highway 1 Drainage issues not Paso Robles street.
November 10, 1999 Louis e. Wheeler letter to K.H. Achadjian
Whiteness Direct knowledge of State Highway 1 Drainage
Jay Jamison showing no flooding in 2002 with his knowledge of Highway 1.
Mark Hutctenreuther, knowledge of highway 1
Loni Silkwood, 1611 Paso Robles St Knowledge of highway 1--.
Jak Harris, knowledge of highway 1
Stanly Manel, knowledge of highway 1
Wilford P. Deschenes, knowledge of highway 1
R. Bliver, knowledge of highway 1
Jerry Bunin, 2280 Paso Robles St. Knowledge of highway 1--
Luis Wheeler, knowledge of highway 1 with photos taken of highway 1 and withheld from discovery including drainage in front of Oceano Market and Oceano Nursery.
Larry A Baughman--Owner of
"We Own a home at
"Water At The Corner Of 13th/Paso Robles/And Highway 1 Runs (Drains) Under The Railroad Tracks Across
Daniel Dena Neill--
Josue Astrero,Larry A Baughman--Knowledge of
Pat Clegg, Knowledge of
Sharon Collester, Knowledge of
Alan & Liane Barta, Knowledge of
Wando Cebulla, Knowledge of
Fred Cheda, 2231 Paso
Katherine B. Escobar 1627 Front Street, Knowledge of
Ben Harvey knowledge of Cal Trans changes to State Highway 1
Marylice Mankins
Eric Johnson Ally way knowledge
Herb West Knowledge of
Mark and Kristine Munro County Blaime wasting money on Study
Yvonne Putman 2591 Paso Robles--
Robert W. Raymond, Knowledge of State Highway 1--poor county planning--County Eng. Photos
Charles E Royal 1561 16th between Warner and Wilmar Errosion problems
Chris & Linda Schroder 'The End of 13th st. at Cienaga
James &Throck Scudder --"Warner & 15th-water travels down 15th and Warner"
Dean Sorensean 561 Security Court 'Several inches to 1 foot depending on amount and length of rain
Ailo Stananage 547
Dan Striciculerda
Fred Van Slyke flooding at cienaga 7 front every time it rains
Caltrans-D-5 Pete_Riegelhuth E-Mail to.RWQCB.PDF regarding their maintenance PDF.
From: Bill Bookout []
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 7:09 PM
To: ''
Cc: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Daniel Cooper'; ''; 'Harvey Packard'; 'Roger Briggs'; ''; ''
Subject: RE: From the office of Assemblymember Sam Blakeslee
January 26, 2010
Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee and Melissa Trowbridge Constituent Affairs
Thank You for responding to this very difficult situation. I have attached our correspondence to my Web-Site
State Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee, can help by specifically, finding funding from the State of California of $43,295.00 dollars to once and for all abate this flooding problem in Oceano. Caltrans drainage changes in 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2006 that has impacted the residents of
Caltrans, Testimony at Trial-Bookout V. the State of California, shows Caltrans shoveling and grading debris into this drainage channel that the Regional Water Quality Control Board viewed videos of and informed Caltrans that this was against the Caltrans NPDES Storm Water requirements.
Please review the E-Mail from Caltrans above to the Regional Water Quality Control Board and this statement from Pete Riegelhuth of Caltrans to the Regional Water Quality Control Board as he states:
“Due to past litigation, the Department is no longer responsible or allowed to maintain the channel located off of the Caltrans right of way. If you would like further information about the drainage situation and the maintenance effort at this location, which has a history beyond what can be detailed in an e-mail, please let me know so that I can arrange a meeting with Department staff familiar with the drainage challenges and restrictions at this site.
Pete Riegelhuth”
It is time to make our State Highway 1 Safe again and Assemblyman’s Blakeslee’s help is appreciated. The cost of this fix from State Highway 1 to
Thanks again for myself and
Bill Bookout
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 2:07 PM
Subject: From the office of Assemblymember Sam Blakeslee
Hi Bill,
Just wanted to let you know that we have recieved all the correspondence that you have sent in regarding the Oceano Flooding. Thank you for keeping us informed. Please let me know if there is anything specific assistance that you would like from our office regarding this issue.
Melissa Trowbridge
Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee
Constituent Affairs
Caltrans November 26, 2008 shoveling debris into the Oceano Community's Storm Water Drainage Channel????? WHY?
Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 PVC pipe installed into the Oceano Community's storm water drainage channel
Why Would a Superior Court Judge not see this as a drainage Problem??????
Judge Tangeman viewed this Caltrans 1967 photo showing the drainage path not changing to a pond on Railroad property
County documents withheld from discovery showing Caltrans raising State Highway 1 a foot, while maintaining the storm water drainage channel up to 2002. Why would the County Of San Luis Obispo be allowed to withhold this evidence from Discovery and Trial?????
County documents withheld from discovery showing flooding problem on east side of State Highway 1 after Caltrans raised State Highway 1.
Caltrans photos of drainage problems that they created on East Side of State Highway 1??????
Why would Caltrans Raise State Highway 1 and not account for drainage????
This is the Oceano Communities Well # 8 pipe that they use to discharge 2500 gallons of well water
a minute into this storm water drainage system. How can this be legal in California???
Court Reporter’s Transcript on Appeal
Thursday, July 10, 2008 Volume II of IX
Direct Examination of Phil Davis OCSD
From the Court reporter transcript Thursday July 10, 2008 The San Luis Obispo Court heard the following testimony placing the OCSD pipe directly in the Railroads Storm Water Drainage Channel and not in the Vicinity as the Court had stated in their August 5, 2008 decision! Exhibit # 579 is tied directly into OCSD’s statements!
P. 383 Answer: “We run the well— Right now, we’re running about five or six day a week. And we just start it in the morning, so it goes through a cycle” – Wednesday, July 9, 2008 Volume I IX Page 4. Mr. Belsher: This morning we filed an amended trial brief just focused on the Inverse Condemnation. It’s pretty much the same as the original trial brief. It’s pared down. Page 5. The Court: “And here’s the Plaintiff’s Supplemental Trial Brief.”
The Trial Court erred in their decision ignoring Arreola v. Monterey as stated to the trial court from opening statements! Page 18-19. “In 1983 OCSD wrote a letter to the parties here, saying, “We don’t know who should maintain this channel. So that we’re writing you this letter to let you know we’re going to dump water in there.” “That’s been the attitude of all the parties. It’s nobody’s responsibility.” “The only thing we’re sure of is that in the world of Inverse Condemnation, it’s Strict Liability if you use somebody’s property to satisfy your drainage system needs, and that’s what’s happened here.”
“ The Court: All right. Who wants to argue first on behalf of the defendants?
Page 20 County of San Luis Obispo opening statement: “There have been hundreds of storms between 1985 and 2004, none of which flooded the plaintiff’s property.” Page 20 Oceano Community Service District. Mr. Daner: “Your honor, Adam Daner on behalf of the Oceano Community Service District.” “We also join in the Motion for Nonsuit. The additional ground is that in the opening statement, there’s been no evidence referred to of an overall public improvement such as to bring with it inverse condemnation liability. In light of that , and also with incorporating the arguments of previous counsel already, we also move for nonsuit.” Thank You.” Page 21 OCSD Mr. Daner States: “Correct, your honor. It’s our position that the only evidence is that the area in question is a natural water course and pursuant to the City of Locklin case, which we believe governs this action, there’s no citing of a public improvement such as to cause any liability on behalf of any of the public entities here today.”
Question. How much water is discharged out of the pipe each time that you do the procedure that you described?
Answer. “Approximately 2,500 Gallons per minute?” Question. And the rate at which this water is discharged is somewhere around 1,300 gallons per minute?
Answer. “Well, it starts out fast and gradually slow down until it stops. And when it stops, all the water is going into the system.”P. 385 Question: Are you aware of any permission sought by the district, itself for operating this pipe?
Answer: “Other then the Health Department, I don't know of any."
P.386 by Mr. Belsher: Thirteen thirty-six and 1337, is this the same discharge pipe we discussed or saw in the previous photograph, only a different configuration?
Answer. Yes.
Question: And did you oversee an extension of the pipe into the culvert that’s depicted there?
Answer. Yes.
Question. And this picture dated 2002, so does that seem as if that was the state of the – to your recollection, That the pipe was projecting into the culvert as of 2002?
Answer. Yes.
Question. And 1338 is another example of the pipe extended into the culvert. Thirteen thirty nine, is this an OCSD employee? Answer. “I believe it is.”
Question: And I note that the pipe now is cut back from the entrance to culvert?
Answer: “That’s correct.”
Question: And is that an action which you and your staff took in 2002?
Answer. “YES”
The Oceano Community Service District use of this storm water drainage channel affecting public health and safety!!!
Page 390 July 10, 2008 Testimony by OCSD Employee see photo above.
Question. Okay. Now, this is a picture, 1396, of you inspecting the entrance to the 20-inch culvert; correct?
Answer. UH-UH.
Question. Are you concerned at all that the operation of this pipe could blow leaves and other debris into the pipe during its operation?
Answer. Um, well we wanted to check and make sure it didn't happen.
Question. So what's your observation?
Answer. We just look through the culvert. If you could see a culvert going a hundred feet, or whatever it goes, well it is fine. Page 391.Question. And did you observe debris blowing into this pipe on occasion?
Answer. “Blowing into it.”
Question from the operation of the discharge pipe?
Answer. No
Question Do you have any maintenance plan for the channel or the culvert with respect to debris?
Answer. NO, WE DO NOT.”
Court Reporter’s Transcript to be used on Appeal
It is important that the San Luis Obispo County Residents understand the loss of our Constitutional Rights with Judge Tangemans August 5, 2008 Superior Court Decision that affects all trial court decisions in California if recent California Case Law has no merit!
This is the Beginning or this Inverse Condemnation trial that the Trial Court choose not to address the Strict Liability presented to the trial court from the beginning of trial!
"There’s some argument, your honor, by the County, and I think by the Railroad, that some standard of reasonableness applies. We have briefed this issue to you in the Trial Brief. There’s no Reasonableness Standard. This is a strict Liability case. You only need to read Arreola, the case cited to you, to understand that.”
“And so the crux of this case is that these four parties have determined that it’s cheaper, easier, better to use Oceano Nursery as a detention basin than actually solving this problem. That’s a classic case of Inverse Condemnation, for which all four of these Defendants are liable.” “Thank You, Your Honor.”
Page 21 The Court: Your argument is there’s no evidence of public improvement which have contributed to the –Which have been a substantial factor in contributing to this –These flooding events by OCSD?
Page 29. Oceano Community Service District Mr. Daner States: “Your Honor, if I might, in terms of your list of cases to look at? Locklin v. City of Lafayette, (1994) 7 Cal.4th 327 is the leading case in both my brief, as well as the County’s brief, in terms of our previous trial briefs and their supplemental trial brief, what we believe is the controlling California Supreme Court Law.” Page 30. The Court: “I have not yet read Arreola. I understand the argument that’s going on as to strict liability versus standard of reasonableness, in addition to the other arguments raised in Locklin in terms of substantial factor and appointment, Causation. I understand the argument with regard to specific events or nonspecific events. I was just meaning to focus in on Mr. Cregger’s specific arguments that I have not yet read anything on.”
Page 30. The County brings up Arreola that Judge Tangeman did not site in his decision? Ms. Thurmond: “Your Honor, while you’re looking at those cases, the Plaintiff’s supplemental Trial Brief does raise a new issue, the strict liability versus reasonableness.” “On the other Hand, if you’ve got a drainage system, you don’t have strict liability. You’ve got the rule of reason. So that is – That just came up this morning. But if we’re going to be reading cases and arguing anything about cases that have come up, and Arreola does – And Locklin both do address that, as does Paterno and Belair. I mean, they all do, so” The San Luis Obispo Superior Court, September 12, 2008 changes their statements in their August 5, 2008 decision as they State in their final Decision. Page 2118 September 12, 2008 “The Court will acknowledge that I did not address all of the issues in the supplemental briefs and the reason for that was simply this: 631.8 is directed towards the issue as to weather there is a basis for dismissal on any several alternate grounds. Some of the issues I was not prepared to grant judgment on until I heard the defendant’s case. Some of the issues I was ready without the defendant’s case, those are the issues I address in the 631.8 ruling. So I’m going to deny the motion for new trial. I will deny the motion for reconsideration.” JAMES ARREOLA et al., Plaintiffs and Respondents, v. COUNTY OF MONTEREY et al., Defendants and Appellants. [And five other cases. [FN*] ] No. H021339. Court of Appeal, Sixth District, California. June 25, 2002. FN* Baeza v. County of Monterey (No. 106592); Calcote v. County of Monterey (No. 106782); Clint Miller Farms, Inc. v. County of Monterey (No. 106829); Phoenix Assurance Co. v. County of Monterey (No. 107040); Allendale Mutual Ins. Co. v. County of Monterey (No. 107041). SUMMARY Individuals who had suffered property damage brought an action against the state, a county and its flood control and water conservation district, and a second county and its water resources agency, seeking damages in inverse condemnation, and tort damages for nuisance, dangerous condition of public property, and negligence, arising from flood damage caused when a river levee project failed during a heavy rainstorm and the flood waters were further obstructed by a state highway. Plaintiffs alleged that the flooding occurred due to reduced water capacity in the levee project channel, caused by the failure of the county defendants to keep that channel clear, and that the state defendant failed to design the highway with adequate provision for flooding. The jury found all defendants liable on the tort claims, and the court found all defendants liable on the inverse condemnation claims and entered a judgment for plaintiffs. (Superior Court of Monterey County, Nos. 105661, 106592, 106782, 106829, 107040 and 107041, Robert A. O'Farrell, Judge.) The Court of Appeal affirmed. The court held that the trial court properly found the county defendants were liable to plaintiffs in inverse condemnation based on their failure to properly maintain the levee project, since their knowing failure to clear the project channel, in the face of repeated warnings and complaints, was not mere negligent execution of a reasonable maintenance plan, but rather a long-term failure to mitigate a known danger. The court held that the trial court did not err in defining the levee project's water capacity, and that substantial expert evidence supported the jury's finding, pertinent to plaintiffs' tort claims against the county defendants, that peak flows during the storm did not exceed the project's design capacity. The *723 court held that the trial court did not err in finding the state defendant liable in inverse condemnation based on its unreasonable design of the highway, which failed to account for a foreseeable flood, and that design immunity (Gov. Code, § 830.6) failed to provide this defendant with a defense to plaintiffs' tort claims. The court held that both the county defendant and its water resources agency were properly found liable to plaintiffs, since the county was directly, and not derivatively, liable. (Opinion by Premo, Acting P. J., with Elia and Wunderlich, JJ., concurring.) This photo was taken by Caltrans before the County of San Luis Obispo required POVE to raise this pond by putting a berm around this pond along with a fence, thus showing the County causeing the flooding we are seeing today!This shows that the County of San Luis Obispo had control of the UP property as Notice the pipe coming into this pond? And then the picture below of OCSD removing the debris that they had dredged into this pond?
Page 26-27 the Court acknowledges that this is not a natural drainage channel. The Court: “What was moved in the 1960’s?” Mr. Belsher: “The inlet to the—off of Highway 1.” The Court: “The drainage channel marked on the map that you’ve shown me?” Mr. Belsher: “Exactly. This channel formerly entered at this location, and it was moved in the sixties to this location. So this is all in concert. This is part of the Caltrans Right-of-Way, including three to four feet of area here alongside the –Well, this is a denoted Right-of-Way. So a few feet inside the pavement is the Caltrans Right-Of-Way. I believe that’s undisputed. They may dispute whether the drainage channel was moved or not, but we have witnesses that speak to that this afternoon.”
Page 29. The Court: “ And I‘ve read those. I don’t mean to by omission neglect all the cases that I’ve read, but I was focusing in particular on this argument which I had not previously focused in on, and that is, the Railroad – The basis for the railroad’s liability in inverse Condemnation; and therefore , the Cantu, the Breidert Cases, City of Manhattan Beach and these arguments. I have read Locklin at least three times.”
The Court: “And Arreola Case.”
Mrs. Thurmond: And Arreola, -- this has just come up. But if – If we’re going to use strict liability, there cannot be a drainage system. And then – so we’ve got to eliminate all the references and all the discussions about the drainage system because strict liability does not apply to a drainage system.”
Page 31 The Court: I understand those arguments. We’re going to get to those arguments.”
The San Luis Superior Court had stated in their August 5, 2008 decision P. 2
This matter came for trial on July 9, 2008. Numerous witnesses testified and hundreds of exhibits were received in evidence. At the conclusion of Plaintiffs case, defendants, and each of them, made oral motions for judgment. After hearing arguments from counsel, the Court requested supplemental briefing on the statute of limitations, as well as Plaintiffs argument that Defendants had acquired certain property rights under the doctrine of prescriptive easements.”
Prejudicial Error by the San Luis Obispo Superior Court, resulting in a miscarriage of justice! The Trial Court would not comment or cite Arreola v. Monterey in their August 5, 2008 decision that now affects the Public Health and Safety of all San Luis Obispo County residents from State Highway 1 to the Pacific Ocean!
Arreola v. County of Monterey(2002) 99 Cal.App.4th 722. “We conclude that in order to prove the type of governmental conduct that will support liability in inverse condemnation it is enough to show that the entity was aware of the risk posed by its public improvement and deliberately chose a course of action – or inaction – in the face of that known risk.” “Knowing that failure to properly maintain the Project channel posed a significant risk of flooding, Counties nevertheless permitted the channel to deteriorate over a long period of years by failing to take effective action to overcome the fiscal, regulatory, and environmental impediments to keeping the Project channel clear. This is sufficient evidence to support the trial court’s finding of a deliberate and unreasonable plan of maintenance.” State diversion or obstruction of surface water onto land “not historically subject to flooding” is not protected by reasonableness rule, but results in strict liability.
Porter Scott, Terence j. Cassidy, SBN 99189-Thomas L. Riordan SBN 104827 the San Luis Obispo County Attorney's does not mention, Arreola v. County of Monterey(2002) 99 Cal.App.4th 722. in their Respondents Breif, nor does Caltrans, OCSD or Union Pacific Railroad?
Porter Scott, the Attorneys for the County of San Luis Obispo on Page 24 of their Appellate Breif to the Appellate Court state: "The County did not, nor could it manage and control wheather POVE kept its junction box free of debris or drained its pond to keep storm water from backing up." This photo was taken by Caltrans before the County of San Luis Obispo required POVE to raise this pond by putting a berm around this pond along with a fence, thus showing the County causeing the flooding we are seeing today!
This shows that the County of San Luis Obispo had control of the UP property as Porter Scott states: "Likewise, the County was not in control of UP private property along or under its railroad tracks."
Porter Scott, the Attorneys for the County of San Luis Obispo on Page 30 "The junction box, drainage channel and culvert under the railroad tracks have all been in existence for the past 30 years. The flooding is a permanent nuisance." It would appear from these photos that if the County would remove their requirement of raising this pond then this flooding would no longer be PERMANENT! The County Permited this pond exhibit 1875 in County permits. They then required the oulet of this pond raised!