From: Bill Bookout []
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 4:45 PM
To: ''
Cc: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'SANDRA SHEFFIELD'; 'Weber, Tad - SLO'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''
Subject: RE: Our California Constitution
Dear State Senators and State Assembly Members and all News Media—--------------------
To Be Decided:
1) Can Caltrans shovel and Grade Contaminated Storm Water and Debris into our California Storm Water Drainage systems? This will affect all Counties in California!
2) Can
3) Are Superior Court Judges allowed to determine what evidence is withheld from discovery and assist in withholding evidence from discovery as stated by Judge Tangeman in Exhibit # 579---“And for the purpose of the exhibits we don’t need the photographs.” The Court Judge Tangeman---States: “All Right”
4) Is Caltrans allowed in
5) Is local Government allowed to daily dredge debris and Community Well water into storm water drainage systems? Judge Tangeman Stated in regards to the video evidence. "In the case of OCSD, the evidence largely consisted of the construction of the drainage outfall from Well No. 8 in the vicinity of the culvert. While there was evidence of substantial amounts of being discharged from Well No. 8, there was an absence of evidence that such discharges occurred contemporaneously with heavy rains and flooding problems."
6) Are California Superior Court Judges allowed to ignore
7) If California Superior Court Judges can change trial Court testimony. Judge Tangeman misheard Caltrans Testimony on Page 936 As stated--“Now, the – we saw earlier a photograph of a Caltrans loader, as you described it , actually in the channel. Do you have – I mean, can you tell us why that was done? To your understanding , why that would have been done?” Answer. “I would imagine that the loader was working in the area. The
employee who was running the loader was probably a conscientious employee and wanted to try to help.” Question. Do you have a problem with your employees doing “Good Neighbor” sort of deeds like that?” Answer. “NO, we do – We try to do that when we can.” This is what Judge Tangeman stated in his August 5, 2008 ruling that changes the true testimony of Caltrans "Mr. Fry testified that any work undertaken by Cal Trans employees in the channel to help clear the channel were most likely undertaken solely as a "good neighbor" practice by a "conscientious employee”
From: Bill Bookout []
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 5:09 PM
To: '
Cc: '
Subject: RE: Our
Dear Assembly Member Perez, Senator Maldonado and Assembly Member Sam Blakeslee
I have added this video to YOUTUBE addressed to the State Senator and Assembly Members.
Please review Caltrans Actions:
California State Assemblymebers--John Perez, California State Senators Abel Maldonado
California State Assemblymebers--John Perez, California State Senators Abel Maldonado
November 26, 2008 after Judge Martin J. Tangeman ruled against this being Causation for the flooding of our State Highway 1 ... Inverse Condemnation ...
16 minutes ago 0 views InverseCondemnation1
From: Bill Bookout []
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 12:55 PM
To: '
Cc: '
Subject: RE: Our
April 5, 2010
Dear State Assembly Members, John Perez, California State Senators and all News Media
Re: San Luis Obispo Superior Court Judge Martin J. Tangeman ignoring, Video--Causation Evidence/Testimony, California Case law and allowing the
Our State Highway 1 has flooded and been closed 13 time this year in 2010--See Caltrans Response to the Regional Water Quality Control Board above after Judge Martin J. Tangeman’s Inverse Condemnation decision!
Caltrans, County of San Luis Obispo and the Oceano Community Service District actions are now on YOUTUBE and at State Senators and Assembly Members---Why is Caltrans allowed to shovel and grade their contaminated debris into the Caltrans, County and Oceano Community’s drainage system, that leads to our Pacific Ocean; even after Judge Tangeman made his August 5, 2008 Inverse Condemnation decision?
Cal Trans November 26, 2008 after Judge Tangemans Decision calling this being a good ...
Cal Trans November 26, 2008 after Judge Tangemans Decision calling this being a good ...
On May 6, 2010 in the San Luis Obispo Supervisors chambers will be herd our oral arguments in the Inverse Condemnation Case Bookout V. State of California. County Of San Luis Obispo withholding of whiteness’s and evidence from Discovery and Judge Tangeman ignoring California Case Law ---Arreola v. Monterey County (2002) __Cal.App.4th__ [2002 Cal. App. LEXIS 4319].
Every State Assembly Member and State Senator should be aware of what the San Luis Obispo Superior Court Judge Martin J. Tangeman has Stated in his August 5, 2008 Superior Court decision regarding Inverse Condemnation: Judge Tangeman misheard Caltrans Testimony on Page 936 As stated by Caltrans—“Now, the we saw earlier a photograph of a Caltrans loader, as you described it , actually in the channel. Do you have I mean, can you tell us why that was done? To your understanding, why that would have been done? Answer. I would imagine that the loader was working in the area. The employee who was running the loader was probably a conscientious employee and wanted to try to help. Question. Do you have a problem with your employees doing Good Neighbor sort of deeds like that? Answer. NO, we do we try to do that when we can.”
Please view this YOUTUBE Video of Causation of this drainage system flooding our
Cal Trans January 2007 Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES Permited
Cal Trans January 2007 Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES Permited
San Luis Obispo Superior Court Judge Martin J. Tangeman Stated this in his August 5, 2008 Inverse Condemnation Decision rather then what Caltrans had testified to above! "Mr. Fry testified that any work undertaken by Cal Trans employees in the channel to help clear the channel were most likely undertaken solely as a "good neighbor" practice by a "conscientious employee”
Assembly Member John Perez, Assembly Members State Senators. Are
Cal Trans January 2007 Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES Permited Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
Caltrans Causation part of flooding our
Quicklist 1:04
Caltrans January 4, 2007 Soveling Debris into the Oceano Communities Storm Water Drainage System
Caltrans January 4, 2007 Soveling Debris into the Oceano Communities Storm Water Drainage System
into the Oceano Communities Storm Water Drainage Channel! Judge Tangeman misheard Caltrans Testimony on Page 936 As stated--Now, the we saw ...
1 month ago 48 views
These are the Documents letters of whiteness, that where withheld from Discovery by The County Of San Luis Obispo and finally given to us in full on December 2, 2008 five months after our first trial with many depositions and whiteness testimony now being worthless This is how Union Pacific Railroad admitted part of exhibit # 579 and how Judge Tangeman allowed evidence to be withheld from discovery as seen in their statements at trial! “And for the purpose of the exhibits we don’t need the photographs.” Judge Tangeman-- The Court States: “All Right”
Bill Tatum 1539 Fountain Ave. ---2001 flooding of
Larry A Baughman--Owner of
Chuck Bachman--1519 and
Marquis Miller 548 Honolulu "Heavy Rains overflow lagoon"
Less Brown--
Jesser Esser--608 Air park Dr. "Storm Water Drainage Ditch next to
John W. Carter 1778 Aloha Place
Mary Fernald 590 Honolulu St. Problems in last five years
David and Penny Villalba 567-571
Raoul Cristin
Jan Dilo, Department of
R. George Rosenberg, Deputy Director of General Services County Of San Luis Obispo
Cynthia M. Joselson/Dennis A.Huebner---Photos
Franklin C. Owen --Flooding in the
In County of San Luis Obispo Files with drainage Studies and Color photos
September 7, 1990
October 1, 1990
October 17, 1990 Letter from John L. Wallace to OCSD Drainage in Oceano,
January 15, 1991
March 15, 1991
May 3, 1991 OCSD letter to SLO County Analysis of OCSD Storm Drainage Problem regarding future County Building Permits
September 23, 1991 letter to Ruth Bracket Sidewalks
September 25, 1991 letter from Ruth Brackett not talking about Paso Robles and 13th streets
November 18, 1991Oceano Halcyon Advisory Committee minutes Drainage in Oceano not Paso Robles and 13th streets ally ways sidewalks
February 10, 1992 Draft letter Sidewalks
February 12, 1992 OCSD Meeting minutes Regarding Cienaga flooding County Responsibility Drainage Director Baughman.
March 11, 1992 OCSD letter regarding Flooding of Oceano Slough below State highway 1
February 10, 1993 OCSD Minutes 11 C. Video of flooding problem on highway 1
June 8, 1993 OCSD memorandum Meeting on Arroyo Grande outfall
February 23, 1994 OCSD meeting minutes Concerns West of State highway 1
February 25, 1994 San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District letter to Tony Boyd County Engineering Dept.
July 26, 1995 OCSD Meeting minutes Cienaga flooding problem Concern with railroad subdividing their property. A problem at Paso
January 10, 1997 OCSD Letter to planning Commission County of San Luis Obispo
October 8, 1997 OCSD meeting Minutes Drainage Problems Bill Bookout Specifically on Airpark and
May 13, 1998 OCSD meeting Minutes "Front and Cienaga Drainage problem
October 14, 1999 San Luis Obispo County letter and documents of concern to Union Pacific Railroad regarding Cienaga Drainage not Paso Robles St.
January 25, 1999 letter from OCSD to Khatchik h. Achadjian-issues-Flooding and Drainage channel behind
January 29, 1999
February 5, 1999 OCSD letter to County regarding highway 1 Drainage issues not Paso Robles street.
November 10, 1999 Louis e. Wheeler letter to K.H. Achadjian
Whiteness Direct knowledge of State Highway 1 Drainage
Jay Jamison showing no flooding in 2002 with his knowledge of Highway 1.
Mark Hutctenreuther, knowledge of highway 1
Loni Silkwood, 1611 Paso Robles St Knowledge of highway 1--.
Jak Harris, knowledge of highway 1
Stanly Manel, knowledge of highway 1
Wilford P. Deschenes, knowledge of highway 1
R. Bliver, knowledge of highway 1
Jerry Bunin, 2280 Paso Robles St. Knowledge of highway 1--
Luis Wheeler, knowledge of highway 1 with photos taken of highway 1 and withheld from discovery including drainage in front of Oceano Market and Oceano Nursery.
Larry A Baughman--Owner of
"We Own a home at
"Water At The Corner Of 13th/Paso Robles/And Highway 1 Runs (Drains) Under The Railroad Tracks Across
Daniel Dena Neill--
Josue Astrero,Larry A Baughman--Knowledge of
Pat Clegg, Knowledge of
Sharon Collester, Knowledge of
Alan & Liane Barta, Knowledge of
Wando Cebulla, Knowledge of
Fred Cheda, 2231 Paso
Katherine B. Escobar 1627 Front Street, Knowledge of
Ben Harvey knowledge of Cal Trans changes to State Highway 1
Marylice Mankins
Eric Johnson Ally way knowledge
Herb West Knowledge of
Mark and Kristine Munro County Blaime wasting money on Study
Yvonne Putman 2591 Paso Robles--
Robert W. Raymond, Knowledge of State Highway 1--poor county planning--County Eng. Photos
Charles E Royal 1561 16th between Warner and Wilmar Errosion problems
Chris & Linda Schroder 'The End of 13th st. at Cienaga
James &Throck Scudder --"Warner & 15th-water travels down 15th and Warner"
Dean Sorensean 561 Security Court 'Several inches to 1 foot depending on amount and length of rain
Ailo Stananage 547
Dan Striciculerda
Fred Van Slyke flooding at cienaga 7 front every time it rains
From: Bill Bookout []
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 4:49 PM
To: '
Subject: RE:
Dear State Assembly Members and all News Media
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 221.wmv
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 221.wmv
California Supreme Court--Inverse Condemnation
California Supreme Court--Inverse Condemnation
From: Bill Bookout []
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 4:17 PM
To: '
Cc: '
Subject: RE:
Cal Trans January 2007 Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES Permited
Cal Trans January 2007 Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES Permited
From: Bill Bookout []
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 3:04 PM
To: '
Cc: '
Subject: RE:
Dear Senator Kehoe and all
Aanestad, Sam Alquist, Elaine Ashburn, Roy Calderon, Ron Cedillo, Gilbert Cogdill, Dave Corbett, Ellen Correa, Lou Cox, Dave Denham, Jeff DeSaulnier, Mark Ducheny, Denise Moreno Dutton, Robert D. Florez, Dean Hancock, Loni Harman, Tom Hollingsworth, Dennis Huff, Bob Kehoe, Christine Leno, Mark Liu, Carol Lowenthal, Alan S. Maldonado, Abel Oropeza, Jenny Padilla, Alex Pavley, Fran Price, Curren Romero, Gloria Runner, George Simitian, Joe Steinberg, Darrell Strickland, Tony Walters, Mimi Wiggins, Patricia Wolk, Lois Wright, Roderick Wyland, Mark Yee, Leland and all California News Media
Attached below are YouTube videos of Caltrans Caught shoveling contaminated storm water and debris into the Oceano Communities storm water drainage channel that now floods one of our State Highways, every time it rains.
Cal Trans November 26, 2008 after Judge Tangemans Decision calling this being a good ...
Cal Trans November 26, 2008 after Judge Tangemans Decision calling this being a good ...
San Luis Obispo Superior Court Judge Martin J. Tangeman has ruled this is just being a good neighbor, which has allowed Caltrans District 5 to continue their actions as seen in this first YouTube Video November 26, 2008.
Senator Kehoe, I ask that each California Senator is made aware of San Luis Obispo-Superior Court, Judge Martin J. Tangemans--August 5, 2008 Judgment Decision while this goes through the Appellate Court process and is made National News.
Please review Judge Tangemans Statements next to these You Tube Videos under Caltrans. My Web-Site has all of the Caltrans documents on it showing why they are now using State Highway 1 for storm water retention and endangering our publics health and safety in order to not flood the Baughman property!
Bill Bookout
From: Bill Bookout []
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 11:18 AM
To: '
Cc: '
Dear Senator Abel Maldonado and State Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee
I hope that both of you have had a chance to watch these videos on YouTube of the State of California---Caltrans shoveling and grading contaminated storm water and debris into the Oceano Community’s storm water drainage channel. San Luis Obispo Superior Court Judge Martin J. Tangeman has ruled this is just being a good neighbor,
Could each of you explain your position on Caltrans actions to our local news media? It is my intention to bring this to our National News Media in the next couple of weeks, with the New Times Article that has come out this week.
Bill Bookout
Caltrans January 4, 2007 Soveling Debris into the Oceano Communities Storm Water Drainage System
Caltrans January 4, 2007 Soveling Debris into the Oceano Communities Storm Water Drainage System
which are a cause of the flooding of Appellants property. Judge Tangeman held that date of stabilization approach does not apply since the ...
2 weeks ago 25 views
Caltrans January 4, 2007 Soveling Debris into the Oceano Communities Storm Water Drainage System
1:04 February 22, 2010
which are a cause of the flooding of Appellants property. Judge Tangeman held that date of stabilization approach does not apply since the ...
Cal Trans January 2007 Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES Permited
Cal Trans January 2007 Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES Permited
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
1 week ago 21 views
Cal Trans January 2007 Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES Permited
0:40 February 28, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
Cal Trans Drainage December 19, 2007 at 3AM
Cal Trans Drainage December 19, 2007 at 3AM
Water Drainage channel. Caltrans Stated at trial before Judge Tangeman "Question. Mr. Fry, Exhibit # 1475 on the screen there is the same as ...
2 weeks ago 3 views
Cal Trans Drainage December 19, 2007 at 3AM
0:30 February 22, 2010
Water Drainage channel. Caltrans Stated at trial before Judge Tangeman "Question. Mr. Fry, Exhibit # 1475 on the screen there is the same as ...
Caltrans District 5 Grading Debris into the Oceano Communities Drainage Channel
Caltrans District 5 Grading Debris into the Oceano Communities Drainage Channel
behind the curb where it came from. Prejudicial Error---Judge Tangeman Stated in regards to this information below that was withheld from ...
2 weeks ago 15 views InverseCondemnation1
Judge Tangeman Well # 8 January 13, 2007 In the vicinity of the drainage ...
Judge Tangeman Well # 8 January 13, 2007 In the vicinity of the drainage ...
Judge Tangeman in his August 5, 2008 Inverse Condemnation decision decided that this Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 discharging Well ...
3 weeks ago 49 views
Judge Tangeman Well # 8 January 13, 2007 In the vicinity of the drainage ...
1:30 February 15, 2010
Judge Tangeman in his August 5, 2008 Inverse Condemnation decision decided that this Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 discharging Well ...
Caltrans District 5 /OCSD FLOOD Flood MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005
Caltrans District 5 /OCSD FLOOD Flood MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
3 weeks ago 101 views
Caltrans District 5 /OCSD FLOOD Flood MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005
9:20 February 16, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
California Supreme Court--Inverse Condemnation
California Supreme Court--Inverse Condemnation
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
2 weeks ago 56 views
6:38 February 20, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 11 Caltrans District 5
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 11 Caltrans District 5
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
2 weeks ago 22 views
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 11 Caltrans District 5
8:08 February 22, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 121.wmv
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 121.wmv
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
2 weeks ago 10 views
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 121.wmv
2:55 February 22, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 January 13, 2007 Flooding State Highway 1
Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 January 13, 2007 Flooding State Highway 1
Judge Tangeman in his August 5, 2008 Inverse Condemnation decision decided that this Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 discharging Well ...
2 weeks ago 17 views
Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 January 13, 2007 Flooding
1:16 February 22, 2010
Judge Tangeman in his August 5, 2008 Inverse Condemnation decision decided that this Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 discharging Well ...
Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 January 13, 2007
Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 January 13, 2007
Judge Tangeman in his August 5, 2008 Inverse Condemnation decision decided that this Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 discharging Well ...
2 weeks ago 11 views
Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 January 13, 2007
0:14 February 22, 2010
Judge Tangeman in his August 5, 2008 Inverse Condemnation decision decided that this Oceano Community Service District Well # 8 discharging Well ...
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 23.wmv
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 23.wmv
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
2 weeks ago 15 views
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 23.wmv
1:23 February 22, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
County of San Luis Obispo Admitting Liability At The OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, ...
County of San Luis Obispo Admitting Liability At The OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, ...
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
3 weeks ago 70 views
9:16 February 17, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
Caltrans and The County Of San Luis Obispo February 22, 2007 Storm Water Retention
Caltrans and The County Of San Luis Obispo February 22, 2007 Storm Water Retention
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
1 week ago 6 views
Caltrans and The
2:59 February 28, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
Cal Trans November 26, 2008 after Judge Tangemans Decision calling this being a good ...
Cal Trans November 26, 2008 after Judge Tangemans Decision calling this being a good ...
Caltrans caught November 26, 2008 shoveling their contaminated storm water and debris into the Oceano Communities storm water drainage channel ...
3 weeks ago 51 views
Cal Trans November 26, 2008 after Judge Tangemans Decision calling this being a good ...
1:02 February 15, 2010
Caltrans caught November 26, 2008 shoveling their contaminated storm water and debris into the Oceano Communities storm water drainage channel ...
Caltrans District 5 putting our public in danger---December 18, 2007
Caltrans District 5 putting our public in danger---December 18, 2007
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
1 week ago 9 views
Caltrans District 5 putting our public in danger---December 18, 2007
2:47 February 28, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005 Caltrans and the County of San Luis Obispo
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005 Caltrans and the County of San Luis Obispo
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
2 weeks ago 17 views
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005 Caltrans and the
6:00 February 21, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
Caltrans District 5 January 4, 2008 Pumping their Storm Water to our Pacific Ocean
Caltrans District 5 January 4, 2008 Pumping their Storm Water to our Pacific Ocean
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
2 weeks ago 12 views
Caltrans District 5 January 4, 2008 Pumping their Storm Water to our
1:37 February 22, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
Caltrans District 5 Inverse Condemnation
Caltrans District 5 Inverse Condemnation
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
2 weeks ago 37 views
Caltrans District 5 Inverse Condemnation
2:04 February 22, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
Caltrans District 5 Retention Basin December 2006 instead of the Baughman Property!
Caltrans District 5 Retention Basin December 2006 instead of the Baughman Property!
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
2 weeks ago 27 views
Caltrans District 5
1:13 February 22, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
California State Highway Patrol Helping Public with Flooding May 21, 2006
California State Highway Patrol Helping Public with Flooding May 21, 2006
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
1 week ago 51 views
2:16 February 28, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
Caltrans District 5 using State Highway 1 for Storm Water Retention
Caltrans District 5 using State Highway 1 for Storm Water Retention
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
2 weeks ago 21 views
Caltrans District 5 using State Highway 1 for Storm Water Retention
2:15 February 22, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
Caltrans Abating flooding of State Highway 1-January 4, 2008
Caltrans Abating flooding of State Highway 1-January 4, 2008
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
2 weeks ago 9 views
Caltrans Abating flooding of State Highway 1-January 4, 2008
1:00 February 22, 2010
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 221.wmv
OCSD FLOOD MEETING JANUARY 10, 2005_part 221.wmv
2, 2009 Judgment Decision "Notice of Judgment" States: "Judge Tangeman determined the flooding problem was "static" for several years prior ...
2 weeks ago 13 views